Doomsday "postponed"

The Maya who had made a fuss about the end just rumors. It's time to get on with life as usual now. One of the first activities that can be done is to observe the night sky. I just hope it does not rain. There are several celestial objects visible. Shortly after sunset, there were flushed Mars in the west, while the east side there is Jupiter to be published.

However, the special is Betelgeuse, one of the brightest star seen from Earth. The reason, the star within 430 light years is rumored to explode in 2012 became the second Sun with particles capable of hitting the Earth. Of course, the rumors just like the rumors about the Mayan apocalypse. It will not happen. Site astronomy Indonesia, southern sky, said that Betelgeuse is being there in his old age, but it will still explode in a million years. It is said, Betelgeuse is 640 light years from Earth. Betelgeuse explosion of light takes 640 years to reach Earth. So, if Betelgeuse exploded, the new man could see it 640 years after the event.

Supernova explosion with neutrino particles that harm the Earth, Daily Galaxy website also outlines rebuttal. Earth can only be affected by the supernova within 30 light years from Earth. With a distance of 640 light years, Betelgeuse will not destroy the Earth. Betelgeuse is currently known as a red giant star. Age star is short and is now entering old age. Kecerlangannya reached 100,000 times the Sun and its size as well as 1,000 times the Sun.

If there are in the solar system, Betelgeuse is devouring Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Betelgeuse current condition reflects the condition of the Sun about 5 billion years when age and turn into a red giant star. Tonight, Betelgeuse can be seen after the sun sets in the eastern sky. The star will appear with a magnitude of 0.45, quite bright. Magnitude claimed brightness of celestial bodies, the more negative, the more light.

Together Betelgeuse, another star will appear as well as the bright Sirius, Aldebaran and Capella. Time to look at the beautiful night sky. No need to worry about doomsday, let alone imagine it would destroy the exploding star.


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