I have seen before, in archaeological there are things that if you think the
idea of Now there is no need. But
my activities to collect at all helped out with
endless discoveries that have been collected. Why?
Since the mythology of those
people Ekskimo-also
said that the wanderer was first brought to the North by the "gods"
who winged brass. Tale
of the Indians called the bird of fire and thunder introduce fruits to them. Fairy
tale-the Mayan Popol Noah, stating that the "gods" capable recognize
all sorts of things of the universe, the four principal directions of the
compass, and even the shape of round earth.
Why are people talking about birds Ekskimo metal? Why did the Indians call thunder bird? How would the ancestors of the Maya knew that the earth was round? The Mayans were smart-smart and has a culture that has developed. They not only left a stunning calendar, but also theories that count outstanding. They know the count year-old Venus 584 Earth days and estimate year 365.2420 days old reckoning truth now: 365 2422 today. All that they leave, to be used for 64 million. years. Subsequent ancient writings concerning units that may be approaching 400 million years. Venusi the famous formula may have calculated by an electronic brain. However it is difficult to believe that it comes from the formula inland. The formula of the Mayan Venus is running as follows: Years Tzolkin has 260 days, Earth years 365 days, whereas Venus in 584 days.
These numbers hide the
possibility division
number 365 can be divided by 73 and the result spend her 5. While the 584 is 8 x 73. So
the formula that remarkable his form as follows:
(Months) 20 x 13 = 260 x 2 x 73 = 37 960
(Sun) 8 x 13 = 104 x 5 x 73 = 37 960
(Venus) 5 x 13 = 65 x 8 x 73 = 37 960
In other words all the cycles coincide with each other again after 37 960 days. Mythology those people Maya stated that at the time of the "gods" will arrive at their big break. Tales from the pre-Inca religious say that stars have a bintangpun residents and that the "gods" came down to them from the constellation Pleiades. Ancient writings Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Egyptians constantly presents the same picture; namely that the gods come from and return to the stars, they go explore the heavens with a vehicle fire or a vessel resembling a terrible weapon; promising immortality to men. It is reasonable and natural to the ancient people of God if they seek them in the sky and in describing the greatness of God that they are delusional freely. But if all these things we well received, there are still things that are strange, for example at how the story of Mahabharata speakers know that there are weapons that can be used to cause drought in an enemy country during twelve years? And powerful enough to kill an unborn baby? In the epic poem Ancient India, the Mahabharata it is wider than the Gospel. Original core, Mahabharata was conservatively it was estimated at 5,000 years old. Mahabharata is also useful if it is read in the context of science knowledge of the present.
(Months) 20 x 13 = 260 x 2 x 73 = 37 960
(Sun) 8 x 13 = 104 x 5 x 73 = 37 960
(Venus) 5 x 13 = 65 x 8 x 73 = 37 960
In other words all the cycles coincide with each other again after 37 960 days. Mythology those people Maya stated that at the time of the "gods" will arrive at their big break. Tales from the pre-Inca religious say that stars have a bintangpun residents and that the "gods" came down to them from the constellation Pleiades. Ancient writings Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Egyptians constantly presents the same picture; namely that the gods come from and return to the stars, they go explore the heavens with a vehicle fire or a vessel resembling a terrible weapon; promising immortality to men. It is reasonable and natural to the ancient people of God if they seek them in the sky and in describing the greatness of God that they are delusional freely. But if all these things we well received, there are still things that are strange, for example at how the story of Mahabharata speakers know that there are weapons that can be used to cause drought in an enemy country during twelve years? And powerful enough to kill an unborn baby? In the epic poem Ancient India, the Mahabharata it is wider than the Gospel. Original core, Mahabharata was conservatively it was estimated at 5,000 years old. Mahabharata is also useful if it is read in the context of science knowledge of the present.
We would not be too surprised if we read the Ramayana that there vimana, the plane fly high once flown with the aid of quicksilver and a strong tail wind. Vimana it can fly far away and can fly forward up and down. In short a space vehicle space that can be used in movements or military maneuvers. Here are a few of the Ramayana translated by N. Dult in the year 1891: "Under the command of Rama, the great chariot it soared to the top of the mountain with thunder clouds, "It can not, we must noted that here not only called flying objects, but also called thunder. Here is a bit more of the Mahabharata. "Bhima flew with this vimana, which emits a lot of light, dazzling as the sun and made a terrible roar as thunder in a storm ".
Fantasizing was certainly must have a grounding point of departure. How do speakers make the story of Mahabharata painting on the plane flying over the light beam and cause a terrible roar that never before has a clue about the rocket? In Samsaptakabadha held distinction between chariots that fly and no. The first volume of Mahabharata revealed a very deep history of Kunti girl who not only got visit the sun, but also got a son of her equally brilliant suspected and dazzling as the sun itself. Because Kunti fear of embarrassment, baby inclusion into in a small basket and put it in the river. Adhirata a prominent, raised basket contains Bavi from the river. then nurture and raise the baby. The story is actually no good at ceriterakan again suppose nothing in common with the story of Moses. That is because the story is one thing in which man impregnated by gods. Same As with Gilgamesh, Arjuna, the hero of Mahabharata also to travel far to meet the gods to ask for arms. Having surpassed the dangers Arjuna finally managed to meet the gods. Dewa Indera, king Khayangan willing to receive Arjuna with extraordinary greatness. King accompanied consort Sachi. Valiant Arjuna is not accepted elsewhere by Sense and Sachi but in this heavenly chariot. Even Arjuna asked her to drive with them on space.
Some of the data is a number in the Mahabharata is so rigorous that people suspect that the author wrote the story with the ingredients of the first hand. Description of weapons that can be kill any opponent who wears the strongest shield of metal, making us goosebumps goosebumps. Opponent who already know the effects of this weapon in time, immediately take off all equipment made of metal from her body and threw himself into the river to wash his body and clean up everything she'd stuck to her body carefully. And it is worth if the author Mahabharata explains that the weapon can cause hair loss and nail date. Each creatures became pale and weak. In the eighth volume in a sense we met chariots sorganya
again. Of all humanity merely Yudhishthira chosen as the only one allowed to enter in a mortal body. Here, too, the suitability of the story of Noah and Elijah can we pass away. In the book it is also reported that the Gurkhas had fired a projectile from the vimana directed to the big city. This may be the first report of a hydrogen bomb throwing. That description reminiscent eyewitness of the hydrogen bomb on the island of Bikini; white smoke very hot steaming soaring high luminous, with the power of a thousand times more glare from the sun, and made the city into dust. When Gurkha gets longer, vehicle resembles a glittering beam antimony.
They may continue until the treatise treatise on the human fly from one continent to other giant birds, which are referred to as vessels that burst a fire and can disappeared into the clouds. Even then, would be considered a mere myth, for a giant bird Such would never have existed. All of it will be more difficult for the translators of the year 7000.
The reality of the world wars in the twentieth century, that they might know of citations script, by them would be considered unreasonable. But if they get a manuscript speech Marx and Lenin, they will eventually be able to lift the two-century high priest who is not This is understandable as the religious center of the century. Thank God! People may be able to explain a lot, so long as the instructions for it there and pretty on them. Five thousand years is not a little time. If there is a block of wood is decorated to survive 5000 year, it was solely incredible natural changes. While most tebalpun steel beams will not lasting a long time. In the courtyard of a temple in Delhi, as I mentioned there is a pillar made of the parts welded iron. This pillar has stood for 4000 years, is open to all weather effects, but absolutely no rust. In addition, the pillars were not affected by sulfur and phosphorus. In Here we are dealing with a type of alloy which until now was completely foreign to us.
Probably created by a group of far-sighted engineers to advance and do not
have enough
material to make a giant building, but wanted to pass on their culture to offspring,
ie through the monuments that can not be eaten by that age. It
is a shame, in which even the most advanced techniques of today were during
the building of the culture that has developed lam that we can not trace. Rock
piles are still there, can not be ruled out. Because of what it should be need not exist,
would not be there. People are looking for
an explanation that "rational". Let loose fabric closing
our eyes and helped search for explanations.
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